Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Run fatboy, run!!


I was feeling pretty good tonight at work and wanted to kick Project MiniMalice up to the next level and go running at lunch with a guy at work.  We decided to only go half a mile but at a fast pace and everything started off well until the second half.  That's when 4 surgeries on my left knee plus too much fat decided to make itself known with extreme pain.  I couldn't live with myself if I didn't finish so I just slowed down a bit and limped across the finish line.  I want to continue running once or twice a week at work so I'll give it another shot when I drop 10 lbs. and see how it goes.

Trainer x10

#3.5 (20mm)
4x1-no closes either hand.  Got down to a paper thickness away righty and at or below 1/4" each rep lefty which is a PR of sorts.

This was pretty disappointing because my hands felt great and very strong during warm-ups but apparently not for heavy singles.

x3 both hands
+2.5x1 both hands
+5x1 both hands
+10x1 both hands
+12.5x1 righty, hop lefty
+15x0-on all these attempts I got at least half way up righty and a hop lefty.
+13.5x1 righty-PR, hop lefty

2x35's (hand to hand transfer)
18 times before setting it down.  A guy at work tried to get a vid on my phone but "forgot" to hit the record button...grrrrrrrrr

#2 (CCS) max reps
27 reps-PR

RT wrist curls
My right wrist was still a bit tender so I didn't up the weight but it's MUCH better than it's been lately.

Axle reverse wrist curls
50x10, drop to 35x10, drop to 15x25
The drop set on the last set was brutal and left my extensors feeling swole and great!!  This drop set is going to remain a mainstay from now on.

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