Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Missed it by that much...


I moved up this week to using the new GHP block for block sets which measures 1.5"x1"x3" and am now using the 1.5" side for my block sets since I pretty much dominated the 1" sets last week.  I didn't get any closes with GHP7@1.5" but most of the attempts were only a paper thickness miss and within the next couple weeks I should be getting at least a couple closes per workout.  I did manage one close with it @1.5" with both hands on Sunday when I was trying to get it on video but my daughter was trying to "help" me by pushing the record button which instead stopped the recording.  Needless to say the closes I got were not on video and when I tried again later I didn't have enough left in the tank to get a close lefty and my right wrist was so sore I didn't even try.

Grippers-left only
Trainer x20

GHP7 (1.5" block set)
No closes but most were about a paper thickness away

Monday, February 20, 2012

Getting back in the swing of things...


I decided to do some bodyweight work today to get the blood flowing and test myself lightly again.  No pain in the shoulder or wrist which is good but the lack of conditioning made itself known...again.  I did a 50/10 protocol...50 seconds of work with 10 seconds rest.  Do as many reps as you can in 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds and move to the next exercise.  I wasn't able to complete the last 2 exercises...dips and abs because of a trip to the bathroom to release everything in my stomach :(

Knuckle Pushups-32
Squat Thrusts-15
Standing Alt. Knee Lifts-25 each leg
Alt. Lunges-10 each side
Dips-8 then ran to the bathroom
Abs-didn't do

Later at work: Grippers

Grippers-left hand only
Trainer x20

GHP7 (1" block set)
5 closes(PR), one miss was because I ran out of chalk and hands were a bit sweaty because of work

Friday, February 17, 2012

Dynamic effort grippers


Grippers-left hand only
Trainer x20

GHP6 (MMS) explosive singles with 2 second overcrush

5x7 (PR)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New gripper PR


I've been inconsistent with grippers lately and last week's session was fairly disappointing.  Fortunately, last night's workout was very good and I felt stronger than I have in a long time.  I'm still only working the left hand because my right wrist is still pretty sore.

Grippers-left only
Trainer x20

GHP7 (20mm block set)
8 closes (PR)
All were Hulk Smash with handle grindage!!

I'll step up to the 25mm/1" block set on the next heavy workout with this gripper.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Grippers 2/6/12


Grippers-left hand only
Trainer x20

GHP7 (20mm block set)
5x1-only one close

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Down for the count

As of now I can't do any lifting or really any grip training either due to injuries.  I went to the doctor yesterday and he said it looks like a possible ac seperation (whatever that is) and sent me for x-rays for both my left shoulder and right wrist.  I'm also going to set an appointment to see my orthopedic surgeon so he can look at the x-rays as well and decide how to proceed.

Meanwhile, I'm cutting back the carbs since I won't need as many for post workout and keeping my diet clean.  So far I'm down 3.5 lbs. in a week and when I measured my waist a couple days ago it was already down 1/2". I'll continue to lean out slowly while recovering from these stupid injuries.