Monday, January 2, 2012

December 2011 in review

Here's the last review of 2011.  Overall it was a great month since I set a PR every workout with the exception of  a couple the last week of the month.  Technically one of them could be considered a PR since I was using the axle for overhead presses.  

December highlights
174# 3.5 choked to 1" x 8 singles
183# Rich 3.5 choked to 3/4" x 3 singles
IMTUG 6 x 4 singles righty, 2 singles lefty
GHP Level 7 MMS

Thick bar
DO Axle Deadlifts (sumo)-352# 
DO Axle Deadlifts (sumo)-360#
DO Axle Deadlifts (sumo)-305x9

Oly bar deadlifts
DO Conventional-225x26


Bench Press

Axle OH Press

Feats of Strength
Tore a deck of cards
Reverse bent 17/64 x 7 drill rod to about 25 degrees-sore right wrist was the limiting factor here

My left shoulder has been feeling better this month and light benching hasn't been bothering it so I'll start adding a little weight and work on getting bench stronger.  I'm also now at the point where all squat workouts have to be done at the gym since my cheap "power" rack isn't safe for over 300 lbs. 

I've been doing all deadlifting lately with the axle and axle deads are getting strong but I noticed that my overall strength when pulling with the olympic bar is down due to not pulling much weight so I will focus on heavy deads again with a goal of pulling 550 conventional in 2012. 

I'm also getting back into bending again, slowly.  Right now my right wrist is messed up pretty badly from going crazy on grippers in December so I have to take it easy bending but I need to work on technique anyway so it's ok.

I will not be doing any grippers right handed until my wrist is healed because even squeezing the Trainer causes it to hurt.  I'll continue grippers with the left hand in the meantime to bring it closer to where the right is and I'll work on strengthening my wrists a lot.  That will have a positive impact on all lifts pretty much.  

To start the year off I'm going to focus more on accessory exercises in a 8-12 rep range with only the first/main lift of the workout being in a lower rep range.  I feel I need to work on developing some muscle and strengthening some weak points before going real hard on the main lifts to avoid injuries and improve mobility and flexibility.  Fat loss will also be a big focus the first part of the year so working with slightly lighter weight will reduce the risk of injuries.

The strength goals for my 40th birthday are coming along pretty nicely and I'll continue working hard toward exceeding them this year.  I think I can accomplish the majority of them in 2012 and will be working hard on conditioning so it's no longer a limiting factor for the 40 rep goals.  The only real concern I have is reaching the bench goals because until my left shoulder is healed I can't really bench much but I'll continue increasing weight for 40 reps.

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