Saturday, December 31, 2011

GHP gripper review and Level 7 MMS close

I decided to do a quick video review of the new Gillingham High Performance grippers and attempt a close with the Level 7 at the end.  I had previously opened and closed the Level 5 GHP on the day I got them from the Gripper Superstore so I already knew that these are fantastic grippers.

These grippers are available at and in my opinion are a great value and will be an invaluable addition to your gripper collection.

In my opinion these are the nicest grippers on the marked currently.  Wade Gillingham of the Gripper Superstore really did a fantastic job taking years of gripper training experience and incorporating the best of the best into these grippers.  Here's a highlight of some of the many features:

-Beautifully polished springs that come already lubed from the manufacturer
-Consistent handle mounting depth
-Sharper knurling on the palm side handle than the finger side so the gripper doesn't slip around but the fingers don't get torn up as much
-4 lines on the finger side and 1 line on the palm side.  These were put here to make it easier to adjust your          hand position in order to make the grippers more challenging but it also makes it easier to position the gripper the same way every time you use it.
-Very clear and easily legible markings on the bottoms of the handles which make it much easier to get on video without having to zoom in or change the angle until you get a clear view.

-The bottoms of both handles are actually rounded instead of beveled which is much easier on the pinkie.  I haven't done many closes with these grippers yet but can already tell this feature will be a major advantage during higher volume workouts since the pinkie usually gets pretty tender from the beveled ends of other brands of grippers.

Anyway, without further ado, here's the video review with the Level 7 MMS close at the end.

Bench and grippers


135x40 (PR)
Bench felt much better today and I don't feel like such a wuss because I got all 40 reps and still had a couple left in the tank.  My shoulders also felt great so I think I'll start adding some weight and doing some sets of 10-12.

Trainer x5

The reason I did grippers was because I wanted to attempt to close the GHP#7 at the end of the video review I did (will be a seperate post) and wanted to see if my right wrist would be up to it.  Fortunately it was and I got an MMS close with it.  No doubt I could have closed it from a much wider set but that'll have to wait until my wrist is better.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Dead reps


I decided to shoot for one more PR for the year and decided on deadlifts with 225 for reps.  Last time I got 20 and this time I pretty much just gave up at 26 because mentally and cardio wise that's about all I had in me today.  The goal is 40 reps at this weight so as long as I get a PR each time I'll eventually meet my goal.  My main limitation is conditioning so once I start hitting the S&C work it will make a HUGE difference.

DO Conventional Deadlifts (225x max reps)
225x26 (PR)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Not really a workout but...


This wasn't really a workout but I closed enough grippers and moved enough weight that I should log it anyway. Daniel sent me 8 grippers to measure on the redneck gripper calibrator for his upcoming grip competition and I always take at least 3 measurements per gripper to make sure I get an accurate reading.  Then I have to basically do a one handed deadlift to move the weight stack to the scale, then one hand deadlift it back off the scale.  So basically I closed a Captains of Crush Trainer thru #3 and a GNC250 and GNC300 with both hands and some of them a couple times.  Then one hand deadlifted from 80-150 about 50 times.  It turned out to be a good workout but now my right wrist is wasted again...mainly from all the gripper closes.

Trainer x10

Closed in this order both hands before I measured each one (plus my own #3 to compare to Daniels)
GNC300x2 singles
Daniel's #3x2 singles
My #3x1
Trainer x1

The best umbrella EVER

For those who know me know that I've been a martial artist for most of my life.  I've also trained with the Japanese sword for many years.  I saw this picture and thought it was the coolest thing I've seen in a long time, not that the cops would necessarily agree if they saw me walking down the street wearing it.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wanna split the deck?


Daniel Reinard is hosting a grip comp in February in California and part of the medley is card tearing.  Since I've never tried it before I decided it was time to start training for it so I bought a bunch of cheap dollar store decks.  I didn't think I'd get through a full deck first try but figured I'd give it a shot...jokers and all.  I was surprised how easy it actually was.  Probably the toughest part was keeping them from slipping all over the place once I started the tear.  In this video I actually end up just twisting the final part but the first time I did it it was an actual tear.  I don't really have any technique, just grip and rip but it'll get cleaner as I practice it more.  Anyway, here's the video:

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Axle OH Press max day


Axle OH Press

I'm a bit disappointed with missing at 215 but I guess after so long of not doing any shoulder presses and the shoulder issues I've been dealing with anything over 2hundo is acceptable.  I failed with 215 when my lower arms got to parallel which is where the triceps start to really come in so at least now I know my weakness.  I haven't done any direct arm work in quite a while so I think I'll overcome this weakness pretty quickly once I start putting on the Gunz show again.

Sunday, December 25, 2011



I bought a IMTUG 6 used from someone on the Gripboard so I decided to do a TUGGY workout at work.  I've repped my IMTUG 5 22 times and can't quite close my IMTUG 7 yet so I wanted to see how I could do with the #6.  I had to clean and oil the spring since it was dirty and rusty but still managed to smash it the first time righty and after a couple times got a couple closes with it lefty so it'll be a good stepping stone between the #5 and #7.

IMTUG's (superset #5 reps with #6 single attempts)
5x1-2 closes lefty, 4 closes righty (PR)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Supersetting deadlifts with tree trimming


I decided to superset axle deadlifts with hanging ornaments on the tree with my wife and daughter.  It went pretty well and I didn't even drop any :)

DO Axle Deadlifts (sumo) 531
305x9 (396)(PR)

Deads is all I had time for today since I had a lot of running around to do before and now it's time for work.  I'm very happy with this since it ties the reps I did last week with 15 lbs. more weight so my grip must be getting stronger...I hope.  Next week is supposed to be a deload week so maybe I'll shoot for one last axle PR.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Shoulders and left hand grippers


Axle Overhead Press-531

Narrow neutral grip pullups-FatGripz
I must be getting fatter since these pullups are harder than they've been lately

Defranco Shoulder Shocker
25 lb. plate, 15 lb. DB's
10,12,12 (PR)

Band Pull-aparts-green band

Shoulder dislocations-red band

Grippers-left hand only
Trainer x20-both hands
#1.5x10-both hands, right wrist started hurting real bad so stopped righty here

MM1 replica (choked to 3/4") left only
No closes which was very surprising since I've closed this thing many times MMS.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

World's weakest bench???


135x38 (PR) as sad as it is
My triceps pretty much gave up at around rep number 30 and I was only able to will another 8 reps.  I'm really pissed off that I couldn't get the full 40 reps with this weight.  The sad thing is this is technically a PR because with the exception of last week I've never done bench for this many reps before. The good news is that once I got warmed up my left shoulder didn't hurt at all.  I foresee a lot, A lot, A LOTTTTTTTT of tricep work in my future so I can eventually hit 225x40.

Friday, December 16, 2011's what's for breakfast


Let me start off by saying that I did NOT want to get out of bed this morning because it was the 3rd day in a row of barely any sleep.  I decided to go to the gym anyway for squats since my POS "power" rack is only rated for 300# and my last set was supposed to be 310 for max reps.  Unfortunately, I didn't have time to eat because I was running low on time so that made me feel even weaker.  Needless to say I knocked out squats and left.  I still managed a PL squat PR but not one that I'm really happy with since I was hoping for at least 2 more reps.  At least it wasn't conditioning that was my limit today :)

PL Squats
310x9 (PR)(402)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Deadlifts and rain


It's a beautiful rainy day today and between that and deadlifts it just doesn't get much better than that!  Sumo Axle Deads felt great today but after the last set with 9 reps I just didn't have anything left in the tank to pull more than 385 conventional with the oly bar.

DO Axle Deadlifts-sumo-333
290x9 (PR) (376)
Last time I pulled on the axle I only got 270x5 so this is a HUGE PR for the axle reps.

DO oly bar conventional deadlifts
I was planning on going up to about 425 but I just had nothing left so I stopped here.

I ran out of time so I didn't get to do bent over rows or good mornings so I'll do them later this week.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Axle OH Press and grippers


I'm pretty happy with this workout today.  It was cold and rainy so I wasn't sure how strong I'd be so I just bundled up in sweats and got to work.  Last week I got 130x13 on OH Press and I'm happy that today I got the same amount of reps with an extra 10#.  It's still a ways from what I've done in the past but it's starting to come back so that's good.  It calculates out to about a 200 lb. max so that's decent and my left shoulder didn't hurt at all so that's even better.  I noticed that my sticking point is when my arms are about parallel to the floor which tells me my triceps are the weak point so I'll be doing a lot of tricep work since no doubt this will also be the weak point when I start benching with weight again.

I also got a little PR on the shoulder shocker by toughing out 11 reps on the last set with the 15 lb. dumbbells.  I never would have thought 15 lbs. would EVER feel heavy but these non-stop circuits are brutal and I always end up with a crazy pump in my shoulders and traps.

Axle Overhead Press-333
140x13 (200)

Defranco Shoulder Shocker
25 lb. plate, 15 lb. DB's
10,10,11 (PR)

Band Pull-Aparts-green band

Shoulder Dislocations-red band

Trainer x10,10

174# 3.5 (1" block set)
Got it down to 1/8" again but my wrist is so sore I couldn't really give it my all.  The set hurt and the squeeze was torture so I think it's time to back off grippers for the rest of the year.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Chokin' out more PR's


Trainer x20

174# 3.5 (choked to 1")
8 full closes righty (PR), none lefty but several were very close

174# 3.5 (1" block set)
no closes either hand, down to about 1/8" righty

This ended up being a very gratifying workout.  I got a huge PR with this gripper choked to 1" since on Monday I was only able to get a couple closes with it set here.  On the 2nd attempt however, I hurt my right wrist again.  I exploded real hard into the close and something got tweaked in my wrist and it hurt pretty bad for the rest of the workout.  Obviously it didn't affect performance since about 6 of the closes were what I'd call Hulk Smashes.  It'll be interesting to see how I do with 1" block set attempts with fresh hands and a non hurting wrist.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bench, finally...and grippers


My shoulders were feeling pretty good so I decided to try some very, very light benching to see how it would feel.  I just knocked out 3 sets of 40 reps to really get the blood flowing to them and keep the weight light and  it felt pretty good.  I also had the best pump in my boobs and triceps that I've had in a LONG time.


Trainer x20

Rich 3.5 (choked to 3/4")
6x1-3 closes righty (PR), none lefty but pretty close
This is a big PR because last week I wasn't very close to closing this righty at 3/4" so I'm happy with this!

#3 (choked to 1") explosive singles with 2 second overcrush-45 seconds rest between reps
5x1 both hands.  These felt great and I was surprised how powerfully I was able to close this lefty.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011



PL Squats-555
295x12 (PR)-stopped due to conditioning, not strength

Axle RDL
135x10-stopped here because I was nauseous

Today I'm still sick and had no strength but decided to knock out squats anyway.  It's also really cold so I just couldn't keep warmed up but squats were still ok.  I kept waiting for my strength to give out on the last set of squats but I just kept rocketing out of the hole until my conditioning gave way again and I had to stop due to not being able to breathe anymore.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Boulders and grippers


I'm running another cycle of 5/3/1 using that protocol for the first power exercise followed by accessory lifts in the 8-10 rep range for hypertrophy.  I'm using 170 for my OH Press max this cycle which I think is a little low but it felt good on my shoulders and I'd rather go lighter than too heavy.

Axle Overhead Press-555

Defranco Shoulder Shocker
25 lb. plate, 15 lb. DB's
3x10 (PR)

Reverse Pull-aparts-green band

Shoulder dislocations-red band

Trainer x20

174# 3.5 (choked to 1")
5x1-2 closes

#2.5 (choked to 1") explosive singles w/2 second overcrush

Sunday, December 4, 2011

DO Axle Deadlifts


DO Axle sumo deadlifts
352x1 (PR)
360x1 (PR)

This wasn't meant to be a full workout today just a PR attempt.  Daniel decided to one up me after my 350# pull by pulling 351.8# so I had to try to set the bar higher.  It was only my 2nd time ever pulling sumo so my technique is still off a bit but it felt pretty good and plenty light.  Grip wise I think 360 is about my max for now but I'd like to get another 5 lbs. by the end of the year so I'll be hitting thick bar pretty heavy over the next few weeks.

Choke him out!!


Trainer x20

Rich 3.5 (choked to 11/16")
6x1-3 closes (PR)

174# 3.5 CCS
2x1-down to 5/16" R, 1/2" L-(PR)

I know I said that this month was going to be all choker work but I just had the urge to test myself CCS with my 3.5 and was happy to get it down this low.  I think last time I tried it was about 1" from closed so this is pretty good progress.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

November 2011 in review

Here's an overview of some of my PR's that I accomplished in November.  I started out with some good strength and conditioning work but managed to mangle my left shoulder pretty good at the beginning of the month so that took the wind out of my sails a bit.  It's feeling pretty good now though so hopefully I'll be able to consistently add more upper body S+C work soon.

The month started off on a huge positive with a successful certification attempt with the Mash Monster level 2!!  This is a great achievement as I've been looking forward to this for a long time.

Mash Monster level 2
Rich 3.5 choked to 11/16"
Big Nasty #4 CCS down to 1"
#2 CCS x27 reps
#2 MMS x35 reps
IMTUG 5 x22 reps righty, 15 reps lefty

BlobZilla with 27.5 lbs. on the deloader
2x35's+13.5 lbs. added

Rolling Thunder-172 lbs. lefty
DO Axle deadlift-350 lbs.

Weight lifting
PL Squats-285x10
High bar squats-225x25
DO deadlifts-225x20
Good Mornings-135x12

I'm hoping my left shoulder will be feeling good enough to start doing some reverse bending again this month.  I'll start with some 60D's and probably just try to work up to doing some light volume a couple times a week without doing the crushdown.  The crush is what really stresses my shoulders and right now is much stronger than my reverse kink so I think I'll be ok not doing it for a while.

I plan on really hitting several strength and conditioning workouts each week to start increasing my work capacity and cardio conditioning.  That was my limiting factor on squats and deads for max reps.  It'll also really help with the fat cutting.  I'm also hoping that my shoulders will be good enough to let me start some light db benching so I can start training bench again soon and attack those goals as well.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Boulders and grip


Seated Axle overhead press (5,3,1+)

Defranco Shoulder Shocker
25# plate, 12.5# DB

T x20

#2.5 (choked to 1") explosive singles w/2 sec. overcrush

#2 (choked to 1") triples w/2 sec. overcrush

BlobZilla (Iso's x6 seconds)

1hp-wide pinch
5x10's loose x2 both hands

6 dimes trainer
3x1 both hands
+2.5x1 both hands
+5x hop both hands
I stopped here because it was hurting my thumbs too much between the joints.  It feels like it's trying to pull the skin off my thumb and becomes more of a pain tolerance issue than anything else so I'm going to stop training this width for a while.  I'll go back to working 5 dimes with weight added since it's closer to the width of BlobZilla and doesn't hurt the thumbs.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gripper certification displays

Here's an idea I was messing around with for displaying my gripper certifications.  I've had a few people ask how hard the gripper was to close for the different certs so I figured I'd just use a shadow box and put a gripper in it that is about the same strength level as the one used for the cert attempt.  For the Mash Monster 1 cert I have a MM1 replica that feels pretty much identical to the actual cert gripper so that's the one that is in the shadow box with the cert.  I'll do the same with MM2, etc.  For the HOSS certs the CoC grippers I own are all within 1 lb. rgc as the actual cert grippers so this works out pretty well.

My original idea was to use a normal wooden frame with a hook underneath to hang the gripper from but this I think will work better because there's less chance of losing the gripper or it getting separated from the cert.

Here's the Mash Monster level 1 cert display:

Here's the HOSS 3 cert display:

These both actually are in only one shadow box since I only bought one as an experiment but I like how it came out so I'll probably get more for the other certs I have.  

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Squats, grippers and 2hp


PL Squats
285x10 (PR by default)-I've never tried more than 8 with 285
I stopped on the last set at 10 so I wouldn't be too gassed out to max on reps @225

High bar squats (225 max reps)
6-my lower back was tight so I stopped at 6.  Pretty pissed about this but there's no reason to risk injury.

Good Mornings
135x12 (PR)

Rich 3.5 (choked to 11/16")
5x1-one close righty (PR), none lefty

#2 (choked to 1") with 2 second overcrush
5x3 both hands

2hp (58mm)
50x10 second hold
120x10 second hold
170x1 (PR) on my 2hp
I'm not sure if I'm happy with this or not.  Granted it was after grippers and I haven't pulled 2hp in quite a while and it was a PR...barely, but I thought I would get more than this.  Oh well, a PR is a PR so it's still good I guess.

BlobZilla (Iso's x6 seconds)

All in all I'd say this was an OK workout.  I got PR's on squats and good mornings but it was more by default since on both exercises I've just never tried to do that many reps with that weight even though I know I can and have been able to do more for a long time.  I'm pretty disappointed that my lower back was a bit tight because I wanted to go for max reps with 225 again but after about 6 reps my lower back was just not having it.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Just choke the foo!!

No, I'm not talking about choking anyone out in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class nor am I talking about domestic violence so put down the phone.  I'm actually talking about a form of partial range of motion training using grippers where you apply a hose clamp to the handles of the gripper in order to set them at a certain width.  This way you can train that specific range of motion without using a lot of energy getting the gripper "set" to that point.  In the past I've read a lot about the benefits of choker training and have done quite a bit of it myself (both in BJJ class and with grippers) and I've always talked about how effective they've been for me.  Over the last few days however, I've been thinking about it and started wondering just how effective and if at all it's actually been.  When I've done choker work in the past I always had good gains in strength but how much of that, if any was due to working with grippers choked and how much was due to just plain getting stronger using the other ranges of motion as well?  You see, I generally use chokers, MMS, CCS, max singles and explosive singles in my training depending on what the purpose for the particular workout is so it's hard to actually attribute strength gains to any one particular training style.  Well, over the next month I plan on putting choker work to the test, literally by doing nothing but choked training...with the exception of my warm-ups which will be MMS.  This way I'll be able to definitively determine how effective working grippers in a choker is...for me and to then see how much carry over it has to MMS closes.  I'll continue to do heavy singles, explosive singles and explosive triples but all will be performed in a choker set at different widths.

Here's a picture of Rich 3.5 choked down to 11/16":
Why is this called "Rich 3.5"?  Well, because it was loaned to me by my friend Rich so this is how I'll differentiate this particular 3.5 from my own.  Rich 3.5 measures 183 lbs. on the rgc which is 9 lbs. harder than mine so I'm hoping that working with this (in a choker of course)  will help me to get ready for the HOSS 3.5 certification from Benders Battlefield. 

Here's a choker workout I did the other day.


I'm going to start using Rich 3.5 (183 lbs.) in a choker to get prepared for HOSS 3.5 cert by the end of this year.  HOSS certs utilize a 1" block set and the HOSS 3.5 gripper measures 174 lbs. on the rgc so I'm hoping that being able to work up to closing Rich 3.5 with the choker set at or close to 1" will have me ready to close the HOSS 3.5 with a 1" block set.  Once I can close it set at a particular distance for 5 straight singles I'll open it up about 1/16" and work with that until I can close it there as well, then open it up again.  I'll also be using other choked grippers:  Big Nasty, my #3, #2.5 and possibly even my #2 for active recovery work.

Trainer x20

Rich 3.5 (choked to 3/4")
5x1-no closes either hand

Rich 3.5 (choked to 5/8")
5x1-all closes righty and very close lefty.  I'll now open it up to 11/16" for the next workout with this gripper.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Axle Deadlifts with a PR


Today was axle deadlift day on 5/3/1 and during warm-ups my hands were feeling so good that I decided to attempt a PR during the warm-up sets.  I also decided to try doing sumo since I've heard a few people say pulling sumo is easier on their grip using the axle.

DO Axle Deadlifts
270x1, 315x1, 350x1 (sumo) PR
270x5-grip started to give out on 5th rep.

Pullups (narrow, neutral grip with FatGripz)
2-stopped here because my left shoulder wasn't having it today.

Axle Bent-over Rows
185x5-my grip was toast at this point and I barely got the last rep.

BlobZilla (Iso's x6 seconds)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Boulders and 1hp

Boulders=Big Ass Shoulders

Seated Axle Press-non back supported
145x5-the last rep was hard
These felt heavy due to not training overhead press in a long time but my shoulder felt great with no pain whatsoever!

Defranco Shoulder Shocker
25 lb. plate, 12.5 lb. dumbbells

Band Pull-aparts (green band)-100 reps

1hp (2x35's)
x1 both hands
+2.5x1 both hands
+5x1 both hands
+7.5x1 both hands
+10x1 R, hop L
+12.5x1 R, 0L
+15x hop R, 0L
+15x0 both

2x35's alternating hand deadlifts
x10 each hand non stop-stopped here because of web tear on right thumb.

BlobZilla (Iso's x6 secs.)
On these Iso's I squeezed as hard as I could for 6 seconds and pulled just enough to stress the hands the way they will be when attempting a lift but not to try to actually lift the Blob right now so my hand wouldn't slip off.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

DE Grippers


#1.5x10, 10

#2.5-explosive singles+2 sec. overcrush

#2-explosive triples+2 sec. overcrush

IMTUG 5-max reps
Rx9, Lx3-PR righty
Rx14, Lx11-PR both hands
Rx22, Lx15-PR again both hands
I figured out how to set this thing for reps.  It squirms around A LOT so the set has to be right and a lot of chalk is needed.  Also, all my reps are full reps not MMS or partial reps.

#2.5-max reps @20mm then max sets to 40 total reps
Tied my PR with 21 reps but doing as many sets as necessary to reach 40 total reps was a BAD idea!  The workout itself was more reps than I usually do and the extra reps just killed my hands.  I'll back the max reps to maybe once a month or so instead of each workout.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Squats, squats and more squats!!


I finally got a baseline for 225 x max reps.  Strength wise I was good for many more than 25 on the first set but my conditioning is non-existence and I couldn't breathe.  The goal is to get 40 consecutive reps with 225 so my work is cut out for me.  The last 5 reps were probably the hardest (mentally) 5 reps I've ever done with weights.

PL Squats

High Bar Squats (225x max reps)
Here's the video:

Shoulder Rehab Protocol-Circuit #2


Today before work I decided to take my daughter out to just spend some time together so I didn't have time to do a workout.  Plus she has a winter dance recital coming up in a few weeks so I took here to an extra dance class today on my way to work so she could get some extra practice specifically for the recital.  I did, however do my shoulder rehab circuit when I got home from work.  In case you missed yesterday's post I ran across the Diesel Crew Shoulder Rehab Protocol which includes 5 different shoulder re/prehab circuits.  Here's the video demonstrating all the exercises in each circuit:

Circuit #2
DB Cuban Rotations
Band External Rotations
Band Pull-Aparts
Band Dislocations
Band Press
I used a 12.5 lb. dumbbell and a red band

My shoulders feel great after doing this tonight!!  Whether you have shoulder issues or not I highly recommend giving this a try.  It only takes a few minutes but works amazing.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Shoulder rehab and...stuff


I found this Shoulder Rehab Protocol on the Diesel Crew site and it looks right up my alley with rehabbing my shoulder so I thought I'd give it a try along with the Defranco Shoulder Shocker that I've been doing.  Here's the video of the Diesel Crew circuits that I'll be doing:

Diesel Crew Shoulder Rehab Protocol+ reverse band pulls
Circuit 1-DB Retractions, DB Protractions, Posterior Capsule Stretch
20 lb. dumbbells and green band
This felt pretty good, expecially the posterior capsule stretch.  I did the retractions, protractions and band pulls before the posterior capsule stretch.  I'm looking forward to Circuit 2 tomorrow.

Tabata's on exercise bike-4 minutes

Flat DB Fly's
I went very light on these to try to get some blood flowing to the shoulders and test how it would feel.  No pain but was a little tight.

Tabata's on exercise bike-4 minutes

I felt some twinges in my left shoulder on these so I still need some more time before any chest pressing movements.

Bodyweight Rows with 2.5" grips

Tabata's on exercise bike-4 minutes

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Highway to Heaving


I can't think of a better or more fitting title for today's workout.  Let's just say that some strange things happen to the body when you follow high rep deadlifts with 5 sets of 10 reps of good mornings!  Since my shoulder has been feeling good the last couple days I decided I would give some deadlifts a try since it's been a while since I've done any.  Besides, I've been wanting to pull something somewhat heavy off the floor lately :)  In order to keep the weight down I figured I'd do some 2" axle deads instead...besides thick bar is one of my main grip priorities at this point anyway so why not kill 2 birds with one stone, eh.  I'm also going to start a round or two of 5/3/1 to ease myself back into weight training consistently.  I'll be doing the "triumverate" which is basically the base lift and two accessorie lifts. However, one of the accessory lifts for the time being will be either squats, deads or bench @225 for max reps since on my 40th birthday I want to do each of those @225 for 40 reps.  Today I finally got a baseline for deads@225 and hopefully I'll get the squats baseline later this week.  I'll wait for bench until my shoulder is completely healed, though.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings, here's the workout:

2" DO Axle Deadlifts
255x8-grip started giving out because I sweated all the chalk off my hands at this point

DO Oly bar deadlifts (225 max reps)
20-my conditioning gave out on me here.  Strength wise I was still going strong, same with grip.  I just couldn't breathe anymore.  I'll be hitting conditioning real hard so this shouldn't be a problem much longer.

Good Mornings

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Let's get it on!!!


Rich came down from Flagstaff today and we threw down in the Grip Pit for about an hour and a half or so.  I have to give Rich a big thanks for bringing down his 183 lb. CoC 3.5 for me to borrow so that I have a smaller step up from my 174 lb. #3.5!  It was a great time seeing him again and getting some training in...not to mention someone else having a chance to get humiliated by BlobZilla.  My overall grip strength seemed to be down today but it was still a productive workout.  Here's some of the highlights I remember as far as what I did.

-BlobZilla-I was only able to lift it with 37.5 lbs. on the deloader.  The Zilla was being extra stubborn today.
-Grippers-I closed Rich's RB240 N, missed his 3.5, adn closed a couple others that I don't remember what they were.  I also closed a 2.5 display gripper at the Sports Exchange we went to after training.
-45# hub-we both did this a few times and I also got it with an extra 5 lbs. added.  Nothing big here.
-Rolling Thunder-Rich has never tried an actual RT so we started loading up some weight on it.  I think he did 141 and change and I pulled 172 lefty.  At this point my right wrist was starting to hurt so I didn't attempt much righty.  I believe this may be a PR lefty.

A couple hours after Rich left I decided to do a workout so here it is.

Seated Axle OH Press-non back supported
I went light on these because I wanted to see how my left shoulder would feel and didn't want to overdo it.  I'm happy to say it felt great with no pain at all during these.

Pullups-narrow grip with Fatgripz (20 reps total)
I suck at pullups so with these low rep sets I decided to start with a total of 20 and each time I'll increase the total rep count by 5 until I get to 50 total.  I only rested a few seconds between sets.

Defranco Shoulder Shocker-25 lb. plate, 12.5 lb. dumbbells
I'm going very light on these as well due to the shoulder but again, there was no pain so that's good.

Rear band pull aparts-red band
50,50-I only rested about 10 seconds between sets.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Burgers are good...mmmm kay

Here's one of my favorite burger recipes that I spent a lot of time perfecting.  You can use any ground meat you want including ground turkey, etc.  I like the flavor combination of ground bison and mild/medium Italian sausage.

Here are the ingredients:
-1 lb. ground bison (you can use ground beef, turkey, etc.)
-1 lb. mild Italian sausage (the kind with the thin skin that can be cut off)
-chopped onion
-a couple hand fulls of bread crumbs or crushed saltine crackers
-2 eggs (I use one egg per pound of meat)
-2 packets of powdered ranch dip mix (I use one packet per pound of meat)-this is the key ingredient to the amazing flavor of these burgers!

Break up the ground bison then remove the thin skin on the sausage and break it up as well.  Put all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl and let the fun begin!  Moosh everything 4 year old daughter is actually better at this than I am.  Once everything is mixed together nicely I make a bunch of 8 oz. meatballs out of it.  I like to have 8 oz. of protein per meal but you can adjust the size to whatever amount you want.  

Once you have all your meatballs made smoosh them into burger patties.  I like to make a crater in the middle so that when I cook them the center doesn't rise way up and basically turn it into a ball.  Now they're ready to throw on the grill, stove or in the oven.  For those that you aren't going to eat right away you can put the patties in a ziploc baggie and freeze it.  Then just thaw it out when you're ready to eat it and cook it up.

Once it's cooked you can garnish it with whatever you want, however I just add some cheese, lettuce and sometimes tomato.  I usually just eat if off a plate with a fork instead of in a bun because I figure if I leave off the bun I can eat more burger :)  

The Dr. Pepper bottle in the background is only there to try to make the photo more interesting.  Give me a break people, I'm new to this whole creative photography thing.

Hands sore and tight? Set a PR!


My hands were tight and a little sore from the grip workout the day before so when I got home from work I grabbed the trainer and did a couple sets of 10 to get the blood flowing to them.  I then decided to see how many 20mm block set reps I could get with the CoC #2 and ended up setting a PR with 35 reps.  I just missed the 36th rep and I blame it on still fumbling a bit with the new block set technique.  It's getting much better than it was, though.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A deloader for BlobZilla

Here's the deloader I built this past weekend so I can start really training to lift BlobZilla.  I built it to work with my power rack but you could always just attach it to an overhead beam in the garage or back patio as well, or make a 2x4 frame.  Here's a couple pics of all the parts I used to build it.

Here's the list:
-one 5" long 2x4
-2 hooks to hang the pulleys on
-2 pulleys for 3/16" cable
-2x3/16" clamp sets for the ends of the cable
-one 10" length of coated 3/16" cable (cable length will vary depending on how high your pulleys will be mounted)
-4x18" lengths of chain
-4 quick links-to attach the chain to the eye bolts
-4 eye bolts
-2 medium sized carabiners
-1 piece of 1x6x12" wood for the blob platform.  This was just a piece I had lying around but you can use whatever you want for the platform.  I'll experiment with a piece of rubber matting to see if I like it better.
-a 1" or 2" loading pin to hold the weights.

Instructions for the build:

Drill 4 holes in your platform material and attach the 4 eye bolts.

Attach the 4 lengths of chain to the eye bolts using the quick links and clip the upper ends of all 4 chains in the carabiner.  Now pull the chains taut and measure the total height from the floor to the top of the carabiner (You will need this measurement later).

Screw the 2 hooks into the bottom of the 2x4.  I went in 18" from the ends so it would fit nicely inside my power rack but you can go any distance you need to.  Just make sure that it's wide enough so that the weights won't come down on top of you when you're lifting the blob.  Also make sure the hooks are pointing out because the pulleys will pull in toward the center and will pull off the hooks if they are backward.

Next slide the pulleys onto the hooks (this is the easiest step of the whole process)

Attach a 3/16" clamp set to one end of the cable and tighten it down nice and tight so it won't slip.

Slide the straight end of the cable through both pulleys;  this step is important because if you attach both clamp sets first you can't fit the cable through the pulleys.

Before attaching the second clamp set to the cable you need to determine how long the cable needs to be.  To do this I attached the carabiner to the one end and clipped it to the loading pin.  I then pulled the other end of the cable taut and stood up with my hand in the full deadlift position with my hand in a fist.  Mark the cable where the knuckles of your fist are and subtract the total length of the chains that you measured earlier.

Attach the clamp set to the end of the cable with the bottom of the loop being where your mark is.  Now clip the platform and chains to the cable with the carabiner and put the blob on it.

Add some weight to your loading pin and lift if up to clip it onto the carabiner.  Lift the blob to full lockout and  if the loading pin with weight touches the floor before lockout then adjust where the clamp set is on the blob side to shorten it a little.  If you did your measurements correctly it should be pretty close.  If no adjustments are needed cut off the excess cable with bolt cutters and start Blobbing!

Here's a quick video of my deloader and BlobZilla in action:

Run fatboy, run!!


I was feeling pretty good tonight at work and wanted to kick Project MiniMalice up to the next level and go running at lunch with a guy at work.  We decided to only go half a mile but at a fast pace and everything started off well until the second half.  That's when 4 surgeries on my left knee plus too much fat decided to make itself known with extreme pain.  I couldn't live with myself if I didn't finish so I just slowed down a bit and limped across the finish line.  I want to continue running once or twice a week at work so I'll give it another shot when I drop 10 lbs. and see how it goes.

Trainer x10

#3.5 (20mm)
4x1-no closes either hand.  Got down to a paper thickness away righty and at or below 1/4" each rep lefty which is a PR of sorts.

This was pretty disappointing because my hands felt great and very strong during warm-ups but apparently not for heavy singles.

x3 both hands
+2.5x1 both hands
+5x1 both hands
+10x1 both hands
+12.5x1 righty, hop lefty
+15x0-on all these attempts I got at least half way up righty and a hop lefty.
+13.5x1 righty-PR, hop lefty

2x35's (hand to hand transfer)
18 times before setting it down.  A guy at work tried to get a vid on my phone but "forgot" to hit the record button...grrrrrrrrr

#2 (CCS) max reps
27 reps-PR

RT wrist curls
My right wrist was still a bit tender so I didn't up the weight but it's MUCH better than it's been lately.

Axle reverse wrist curls
50x10, drop to 35x10, drop to 15x25
The drop set on the last set was brutal and left my extensors feeling swole and great!!  This drop set is going to remain a mainstay from now on.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Jelly Legs/Spaghetti Arms

I was feeling a little froggy today so I decided to dust off an old total body strength and conditioning routine that pretty much turns the whole body into one big pile of jello.  It's pretty basic but very effective.  This is a timed workout so record your times and try to beat them the next time you perform this workout.  I did Jelly Legs in 13:12 and Spaghetti Arms in 11:15.  A good goal is under 10 minutes for each if you're in half way decent shape.

Here's the breakdown of the workout:

Jelly Legs--------------------------------Spaghetti Arms
Burpees-Squats------------------------Pushups-Body Rows
             1-10                                                 1-10
             2-9                                                    2-9
             3-8                                                    3-8
             4-7                                                    4-7
             5-6                                                    5-6
             6-5                                                    6-5
             7-4                                                    7-4
             8-3                                                    8-3
             9-2                                                    9-2
            10-1                                                  10-1
             9-2                                                    9-2
             8-3                                                    8-3
             7-4                                                    7-4
             6-5                                                    6-5
             5-6                                                    5-6
             4-7                                                    4-7
             3-8                                                    3-8
             2-9                                                    2-9
             1-10                                                  1-10

Start with Jelly Legs and do 1 burpee followed immediately by 10 squats.  Then do 2 burpees followed by 9 squats, etc.  Keep doing this until you reach 10 burpees followed by 1 squat then go backward until you get back to 1 burpee and 10 squats.  Only rest as much as needed with the goal of not stopping until you finish the routine.  Then rest a few minutes and follow the same protocol with Spaghetti Arms using pushups and body rows...or pullups if you can do enough of them.  You can use any combination of exercises you want, these are just what I used for this particular workout.  You can also use any number of reps so long as you use a ladder type protocol.
Give this workout a try and post up your times in the comments.

Big Nasty comes to The Strength Pit!!

Who's the biggest, meanest, nastiest SOB ever to step into The Strength Pit?  He goes by the name Big Nasty...and let me tell ya folks, he's just that!  I first met Big Nasty about a year and a half ago and I knew right away he was like none other that I'd ever met.  I'm talking about 365 lbs. of pure power who likes nothing better than to break hands and spirits at every possible opportunity.  Before we go any further let me post a picture of Big Nasty so you can see what I'm talking about:

What?!  Did you think I was talking about a person?  Hahahahahaha, come on people we all know that I'm the baddest person in The Strength Pit...however, this bad boy has already kicked my butt twice in only two workouts so I thought it was time to introduce him to everyone else.  I WILL get my revenge someday, though because I will be putting Big Nasty through it's paces at least once a week until those handles click together.

Here's the two workouts I've done so far with Big Nasty:


Trainer x10

Big Nasty #4 (choked to 1/2")
5x1-righty got down to about 1/8", lefty down to just under 1/4".
The last time I choked this gripper to 1/2" I wasn't even able to budge the handles at all so this is big progress.


Big Nasty #4 (CCS)
8x1-no closes but righty down to 1", lefty down to 1 1/8".

Friday, November 4, 2011

Meet BlobZilla, half a 130# York Legacy dumbbell

This was posted by my friend Daniel Reinard:

After much thought and discussion I've found a project blob, a half 130# York Legacy db.  I chose this size to be the US equivalent to the 60kg Legacy's that are out there.  So far, to my knowledge, no one has lifted a half 60kg or half 130#.  (Note:  the half 60kg blob has been lifted to full lockout by Laine Snook.)

This thing is massive, and has been appropriately named as BlobZilla (by Russ Farver).  The dumbbell arrived this last Friday and after cutting the number side off, which will be sent to Russ in AZ, I have had two days of attempts on it.  I will be keeping the York side.

Thoughts so far:
-The shape is gnarly.  In the vids you can see less of a biting edge on the blob and a huge finger side slope.  This causes a difficult shape to pinch and an inbalance that is tough to control.
-Texture is good, but it gives a false sense of security right before the attempt.
-The true height wasn't fully seen in the video as I believe the flat bottom to be deeper than a regular blob or fatman, so the full diameter isn't shown standing up.  A face lift on this monster will need matching monster sized hands.
-Having tried a deloader today it did come up quite nicely until tension was almost lost.  At that point BlobZilla leaned to the finger side, something not really felt on a 2nd Gen Blob.

Is this the next landmark in blob badassery?  Who will be the first to lift BlobZilla?  If you are wondering how expensive this is or how difficult it is to find one I will say this, there are no excuses here.  This bad boy is still in production and costs less than $200 for the dumbbell.  And a blob fits in a medium flat rate box.  It seems 50# blobs are being lifted by most who put in their training time.  BlobZilla is on another level, something that will be an elite blob lift.  It appears possible but make no mistake, this will fight you the whole way.  This being said by someone who lifted a blob on first meeting, and face lifted a fatman the day it came in the mail.

A video intro and first attempts ... re=related

Negative attempt then blob farmers walk comparison ... re=related

Deloader attempt, Project BlobZilla day 2 ... re=related

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lifting for 11/2/11

PL Squats

DB Bench
Couldn't do it due to shoulder pain...grrrrrrrrr

Bent-over rows

Good Mornings

EZ Bar Curls
90x3-stopped due to shoulder pain and lowered the weight back down to 75

I'll do the DeFranco Shoulder Shocker when I get home from work because I ran out of time today.  I just got back from checking the mail and BlobZilla was in there as well as the Mash Monster level 2 cert gripper.  My grip is a bit smoked from doing bent-over rows so I don't know if I'll attempt the cert tomorrow or wait until Friday.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Magic 50

This is a strength and conditioning workout created by Ross Enamait  It's normally done with burpees but since the downstairs neighbor is home I used squat thrusts instead.  Also, I used a 40 lb. dumbbell for the snatches and swings which is much less than I used to use but I'm so out of shape right now it was still intense.  If you want to try this but want to up the intensity use a heavier dumbbell and do burpees instead of squat thrusts.  I only managed a wimpy 12:45 for the time but anyone with even halfway decent conditioning should easily break the 10 minute barrier.

The Magic 50
5 dumbbell snatches per arm
5 dumbbell swings per arm
10 burpees

Repeat the sequence 5 times total for time.  It's called The Magic 50 because you will do a total of 50 db snatches, 50 db swings and 50 burpees.  This is a relatively quick workout but will blast your whole body very, very hard and get you breathing like never before.

Give it a shot and leave your time in the comments!

October 2011 in review

Every month I'll do a review here of my progress in strength gains and body transformation as well.  I've never looked back over a previous month before to see what I accomplished strength wise.  Now that I have I see that it is a very valuable gauge, especially if I'm feeling that I haven't really made much progress.  I recommend everyone do this at the end of the month so you can see where you started and where you are now.  I'm really looking forward to reviewing the whole year come January 1st to really see where I've progressed and where I need to focus more.

Project MiniMalice is off to a good start so far.  I'm down 4 lbs. this week...don't know about bod yfat or measurements because I didn't check them last week but from now on I'll keep track of those as well.

The crowning achievement for the last 3 months was taking 1st overall in AZ @ World's Strongest Hands and 15th overall worldwide out of 124 competitors.  Not only that but setting PR's in different feats of strength after each leg was very motivational.

Strength PR's
-2x35/2x15kg loose plate pinch
-2x35+12.5 lbs. added
-5x10 loose plate pinch
-6x10's trainer +5 lbs. added
-40 lb. hex dumbbell deadlift
-50 lb. hex dumbbell deadlift
-45# hub +17.5 lbs. added
-Axle deadlift 340 lbs.
-#2.5@20mm x21 reps
-#3@20mm x5 reps
-#3.5@20mm x1 rep
-IMTUG5 x8 reps
-Vulcan level 17@20mm

Overall it was a great month for grip strength but I am disappointed to see nothing for all around strength.  I guess that's because I didn't really do much weight lifting last month.  That changes starting immediately, though.  I'm going to get back to lifting consistently as well as working hard on my strength and conditioning.  I was hoping that the Mash Monster 2 gripper would have shown up so I could add that to October's list of accomplishments but I guess it'll just be the first of November's accomplishments instead :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Couple hex dumbbell deadlifts


No workout today but when I was at my buddy Dave's picking up a good hubbin' 45 and tried to lift his 40 lb. hex dumbell by one end and got it on video.  I decided to try my 50 lb. hex dumbell when I got home and got it too but couldn't budge my 60 so I need to find a 55 lb'er to try now.  My left hand feels stronger on pinch today than my right for some reason.

40 lb. hex dumbell deadlift:

50 lb. hex dumbell deadlift:

Sunday, October 30, 2011

6 dimes training and grippers


Squats-(warm-up for grip workout)

6x10's trainer
6x1-4 lifts both hands
+2.5 finger side x1 both hands
+2.5 thumb side x1 both hands
+5 x1 both hands-PR-got righty on video
+7.5 x0-hop both hands

Trainer x10

#2.5(20mm) explosive singles with 2 second overcrush
5x1-my hands weren't feeling strong during these

#2.5(20mm) block set reps
1x20-this is one rep less than my PR but I was fumbling with a new setting technique and I think it cost me a couple reps.

All in all this was a pretty good grip workout today.  Set a big PR on wide pinch but in reality it was 3 PR's :) My 6 dimes trainer now is 6x10's pinned since I can pretty consistently lift that with both hands.

Friday, October 28, 2011

5 PR's in one workout!


Today was a great training day!  I set 5 PR's, all in different events.  I was a bit surprised with how strong I ended up being today because when I woke up my hands were real tight and a bit sore but once I got into warm-ups they started feeling good and strong.

6 dimes pinch (pinned)
full lift righty-PR, hop lefty
I decided today to take the 5 lb. plate out of my 6 dimes trainer and add the sixth 10 lb. plate and give it a try.  Happily it came up fairly easily righty!  When I weighed the whole setup with the 6x10's it came in at an even 63 lbs.  I tried to get it on video but the camera battery was dead again.

Trainer x10

#3.5 (MMS)
Ground the handles righty, barely missed lefty
8x1 lefty-all misses but some were pretty close

#3.5 (20mm block)
8x1-3 closes righty-PR!

IMTUG5 (ring/pinky)
5x1-all closes both hands
4 reps righty, 3 reps lefty
8 reps righty-PR, 4 reps lefty
Last time I tried to rep this thing I couldn't get more than one rep

1hp (2x35+weight)
no weight added x1 both hands
+2.5x1 both hands
+5x1 both hands
+10x1 both hands
+12.5x1 righty-PR, hop lefty
+15x1-hops both hands
+12.5x1 righty, hop lefty

2x35 hula
Right-one and a half times around before it hit my ghetto ass and I had to put it down
Left-twice around
This was harder than I expected but is a good baseline.

#2.5 (20mm block) reps
21 righty-PR
10 lefty-set was a bit off

#2 (CCS) reps
21 righty
11 lefty-set was off again

I was on a mental high for the rest of the night at work after this workout.  Then on the way home a warning light came on saying there's a problem with my electronic throttle control.  Hopefully it's just a loose connection somewhere which is the case a lot of times with this.  I'll mess with it tomorrow and see if it's just a loose connector.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Project MiniMalice officially starts today!

Now that the World's Strongest Hands series is finally over I can officially start what I call Project MiniMalice.  Technically, I could have started this a couple weeks ago but with my wife's family reunion this past weekend I knew being on a fat cut wasn't going to work so now that we are past that I'm kicking it into high gear effective today.

I'm cutting out all processed foods, junk food and basically anything that I can't grow or kill...if I was a farmer or hunter that is :)  I'll also be adding in a couple rounds of Tabata's on the exercise bike each day as well as get back to lifting consistently.

I won't be doing any crazy light weight, super high rep training though because I believe that the best way to kick up the metabolism is to lift hard and heavy; just reduce the rest time between sets slightly.  I always get much more winded lifting heavy than going with real high reps anyway.  The only high rep training I'll be doing is when I train specifically for the 40 reps goals and that'll basically be at the end of a workout anyway.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Grippers and wide pinch on 10/24/11

We got home from my wife's family reunion at about 2pm on Monday and I had to be at work at 4pm so I decided to take some grippers and my 6 dimes pinch trainer to work and try to get a decent workout in.  I'm glad I did because I ended up setting PR's on both.

Trainer x10

#2.5 (20mm block set) explosive singles with 2 second overcrush

IMTUG 5 (ring/pinkie)

Wide pinch (6 dimes training)
6 dimes trainer x2 both hands-full lifts both hands
+2.5 lbs. on finger side x2 both hands-full lifts both hands
+2.5 lbs. on thumb side x8 both hands-missed once lefty, all full lifts righty

6 dimes trainer (hand to hand transfer)
No weight added
Left, right, left, right
I've never tried this before with a wide pinch and I managed to go hand to hand twice before having to set it down. I'm pretty happy with this.

#2.5 (20mm block set) reps
17 reps-PR
This is up from 12 reps previously and was after a workout so fresh I might be able to get 20 which would put me half way to the goal of 40 reps with this thing.

Here's a picture of my 6 dimes pinch trainer.  It's 5x10's with a 5 lb. plate sandwiched in the middle so it simulates the width of 6x10's but is light enough for me to lift.  The side with the 5 lb. plate I put on my finger side so the most weight is on the thumb side which makes it a little tougher.  It's held together with a 2" O. D. pipe and a couple of oly bar collars.  Altogether, the setup with no weight added weighs a hair under 60 lbs.  This picture has 2.5 lbs. added to the thumb side.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Strength goals for my 40th birthday

I'm 38 right now and my birthday is in June so I have just over a year and a half until I turn 40.  I have some strength goals: both 1 rep and 40 reps, that I want to achieve BY and get on video ON my 40th birthday.  The only issue I see is possibly bench due to current shoulder issues but if I can keep that at bay I think I can make all these goals.

1 rep goals
-squat 400
-bench 400
-axle deadlift 400
 -#4 MMS close
-lift 65 lb. BlobZilla (half of a 130 lb. York Legacy dumbell)
-bend a red nail reverse in IMP's

40 rep goals
-squat bw x40
-bench bw x40
-deadlift bw x40
-#2.5 MMSx40 and/or #2 CCSx40
-double blob farmers walk 40 feet
-bend 40x60D nails reverse in IMP's

It says body weight on the reps goals because whatever my body weight is I'll round up to the nearest 5 lbs. and use that.  I'll be using 225 lbs. for training because I'll weigh that much at the most and most likely a bit less.  The reason I chose 40 reps is because I'll be 40 years old :)

I'll get baselines on all these over the next couple weeks and post them up here.  Bench might take a while depending on how the shoulder feels.  I'll also update here on progress for all these goals.

Let the games begin!

I currently have workout and grip logs on a couple different forums and I decided to start a blog so I can put everything in one place.  My most recent focus for the last year and a half has been on grip strength but I'd like to enter a powerlifting meet next year so I'll be getting back into lifting seriously again too.  I just have to get over a couple niggling injuries first.

I know everything looks pretty bland so far but it'll get better as I figure this whole thing out, I promise :)